Lani Daes

"Lani Daes, Honors in the Major Student and Fall 2021 Bess H. Ward Thesis Award Winner"

Thesis: Black Stage: A Universe of Afro-Surrealist Fiction

Thesis Director:  Dr. Yelena McLane, Department of Interior Architecture & Design

"I want to start by thanking the FSU Interior Architecture and Design Department for trusting me to conduct an honors thesis about the connections between interior design and set design. The challenge I faced going into this project was figuring out how I would fund this research and the design process while maintaining my other IAD coursework.

The Bess H. Ward Honors Thesis Award provided me with the financial help I needed complete the second phase of my thesis titled,  "Black Stage: A Universe of Afro-Surrealist Fiction." My goals for this thesis were to design a physical model out of laser-cut materials and visually display this piece for my department and peers with the best tools available to me. Seeing this project become a catalyst for future adaptations of Black Literary Artists has been an inspiration to me and to my committee members. I do not represent all the Black community, but I do share a desire to see our stories told on and off-screen. I am extremely grateful that the financial stressors of this creative project were taken care of by this award. I don’t think it would’ve been as successful without this assistance."

-Lani DaesFall 2021 Bess H. Ward Thesis Award Winner