Honors Student Association

The University Honors Program recognizes and appreciates the importance of creating spaces for students to cultivate community outside of the classroom and to grow as leaders.

Honors Student Association (HSA)

HSA students



The Honors Student Association, an FSU Registered Student Organization, strives to support and enrich the Honors student experience through student-planned initiatives, including social events, service opportunities, professional development workshops and peer mentorship. All Honors students are part of the HSA membership, reflecting our belief in providing a welcoming community for each student.

HSA hosts a wide variety of events each year, including one of FSU Honors’ most beloved traditions, the HSA monthly breakfast, as well as trivia and board game nights and holiday socials. HSA also involves students in important service events on campus, such as the Relay for Life and Light the Night, and hosts a Peer Mentoring Initiative, where students can sign up to be either a mentee or mentor.

The HSA online magazine, The Medallion, is written and edited by members of the executive board and highlights campus resources and spaces, as well as various aspects of student life. Each edition is centered on a particular theme and showcases the academic and creative work of our student community.

HSA provides students with great opportunities to get involved and to develop their leadership, with yearly elections each fall. To receive notifications about HSA, students are encouraged to join NoleCentral and follow HSA on Instagram.

Students pay one-time HSA Membership Dues that help fund all activities. Students may pay their dues here:


Pay 2023 HSA Membership Dues Today!

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