Southeast Asia in the Year 2100:
The Possible Effects of the Climate Crisis on Southeast Asian Agriculture
March 24, 2021
Student: Gabriel Pfeuffer-Ferguson
Major: Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, with a concentration in Urban Studies
"Climate change is going to have various effects on the different parts of the world. In my project, I specifically look at and discuss the possible effects on the Southeast Asian region’s agriculture. I develop a line of reasoning as to how the region is economically dependent upon agriculture and then provide current predictions from climate scientists as well as current research that has been conducted. Afterwards, I explain my own findings from an experiment using the ezGCM climate model, which has been adapted from a climate model from NASA. I show pictures from my experiment and explain some of the possible effects if climate change happens at the rate my experiment shows. I then divulge into conclusions and solutions as to how this region can fully prepare for climate change."
Presentation Website
View Gabriel Pfeuffer-Ferguson's presentation website, "Southeast Asia in the Year 2100: The Possible Side Effects of the Climate Crisis on Southeast Asian Agriculture."