Michael David Franklin, Ph.D.

Dr. Michael David Franklin is a specialized faculty member of the Honors Program and oversees the Honors in the Major program at FSU. He received his Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Minnesota. He has over 15 years of experience teaching, coaching, and supporting doctoral students writing dissertations and undergraduate students working on honors thesis projects. At FSU, he supports undergraduate students and faculty participating in Honors in the Major by developing resources, programming, and curriculum about research. He is originally from Oklahoma.

LGBTQ Oral History Methods - IDH 3405
In this course students are trained in oral history theory, method, and interpretation by examining the emergence of oral history practice in the 20th century and oral history's specific relevance to LGBTQ communities and experiences. Course work includes reading scholarship, listening to oral histories, examining oral history projects, and conducting oral history interviews.